NOTE: This page is a translation from the original Japanese version of sastrutsplugin.html, rev 761 as of 2008-09-23.




SAStrutsPlugin is an Eclipse plugin to assist your development work with SAStruts. It has the following features:

  • Opens/creates a JSP file corresponding to a Java source file (which is an SAStruts action class) via the context menu or by a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+8)
  • Opens/creates a Java source file corresponding to a JSP flie via the popup menu or by a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+8).
  • completion feature on JSP Editor
  • View on Server
  • View SAStruts Help

Setting up

SAStrutsPlugin works with Eclipse3.3+WTP2.0 or Eclipse3.4+WTP3.0. The JAVA file can be opened from JSP Editor. You cannot open the one from Web page Editor. Go to the following update site and select "SAStrutsPlugin" to install.

For developers who use Amateras Eclipse HTML Editor Plugin SAStrutsPlugin for Amateras is an alternative. It is not recommended to use SAStrutsPlugin for Amateras and SAStrutsPlugin in the same environment, because both plugins use the same project settings, key bindings and popup menus interferingly.


Release Note of SAStrutsPlugin

Mailing List

A mailing list for users of Seasar2 and related products.
For questions, troubles or any suggestions on SAStrutsPlugin, use this list.
Please include [SAStrutsPlugin] to the subject. It would also be appreciated if you could include any excerpt of the Eclipse error log, if any.
A mailing list for developers of Seasar2 and related products.


Bugs of SAStrutsPlugin are managed using a component named SAStruts plugin.

Subversion Repository

SAStrutsPlugin source code is available from the Subversion repository of
Everyone can access it to view.
(Follow the link below to view sourcecode on the Web)

URL for the SVN repository

Committer's blog

Specifications of SAStrutsPlugin are discussed mainly on the committer's blog.